Democracy Now! Daily Digest: A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan GonzálezMonday, October 18, 2021

Pediatrician Welcomes Imminent Approval of COVID Vaccine for Kids 5-11 Amid Opposition to Mask Mandates & As CIA Ramps Up Anti-China Actions, Why Doesn't Congress Oppose Biden's "New Cold War"?Not displaying correctly?
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Democracy Now! Daily Digest

A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González

Monday, October 18, 2021


Residents of Benton Harbor, Michigan, are calling for immediate action on replacing the city's lead pipes, which have endangered their drinking water. Since 2018, ... Read More →
The Biden administration is launching a national vaccination campaign for about 28 million children between the ages of 5 and 11. The vaccine will be two ... Read More →
We speak with Ethan Paul, a former reporter with the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong who is now with the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. ... Read More →
This week over 530 climate activists were arrested during Indigenous-led civil disobedience actions in Washington, D.C., calling on President Joe Biden to ... Read More →

Headlines →

Gutting Democrats’ Climate Plans, Manchin Opposes Renewable Energy Program in Reconciliation Bill

Manchin Wants Strict Conditions on Child Tax Credit, Which Has Lifted Millions of Kids from Poverty

FDA Panel Unanimously Recommends Booster Shots of J&J COVID-19 Vaccine

Bronx Man Dies of COVID-19 One Hour After Release from Rikers Jail

COVID Cases on the Rise in the U.K, Russia; Melbourne Ends World’s Longest Lockdown

U.S. to Compensate Afghan Families over August Drone Strike That Killed 10 Civilians

Death Toll in ISIS-K Mosque Attack in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Rises to 47

British Lawmaker David Amess Fatally Stabbed

17 Missionaries and Children Kidnapped in Haiti

IATSE Reaches Tentative Deal with Hollywood Producers, Averting TV and Film Crew Strike

Advocates Walk Out of Virtual Meeting with White House over “Remain in Mexico” Policy

China Denies Report It Tested Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile

Chinese Authorities Sentence More Hong Kong Democracy Campaigners to Prison

Heavy Monsoon Rains Bring Floods and Landslides to India’s Kerala State

Argentine Judge Indicts Franco-Era Spanish Minister Martín Villa on Homicide Charges

Two Indigenous Children in Brazil Killed in Mining Dredge Used by Illegal Gold Miners

Puerto Ricans March to Protest Ongoing Power Outages After Privatization of Electric Grid




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