Democracy Now! Daily Digest A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González for Thursday, October 14, 2021

Afghan Interpreter Who Rescued Biden in 2008 Is Evacuated from Afghanistan with His Family & The Nation's John Nichols: Trump's Coup Nearly Succeeded. He Will Try Again in 2024Not displaying correctly?
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Democracy Now! Daily Digest

A Daily Independent Global News Hour with Amy Goodman & Juan González

Thursday, October 14, 2021


At least five people were shot today in Beirut after snipers opened fire on a protest as Lebanon faces a growing economic and political emergency amid ... Read More →
After weeks of pleading for help, an Afghan interpreter, who helped rescue then-Senator Joe Biden when he was stranded 13 years ago in Afghanistan, has finally ... Read More →
As the House committee probing the January 6 attack on the Capitol ramps up its investigation, new details continue to emerge about former President Donald ... Read More →
Armando Alejo Hernández went missing in the desert after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in May of 2021, but not before sending several last audio messages to ... Read More →

Headlines →

Biden Says Port of Los Angeles Will Operate 24/7 to Ease Logjam That’s Fueling Inflation

WHO Advisory Team to Investigate Origins of COVID-19 Pandemic

Pressure Grows to Waive Patent Rights for COVID Vaccines and for U.S. to Release Moderna Recipe

Florida Health Department Fines County That Defied Ban on Vaccine Mandates

Biden Admin to Massively Expand Wind Farms Along U.S. Coastlines

IAE Says Governments Must Do Far More to Avert Climate Catastrophe

Police Arrest Another 90 Activists as Climate Protests Continue in Front of White House

Texas Approves Heavily Gerrymandered Redistricting Map in Favor of GOP, White Voters

DOJ Asks SCOTUS to Reinstate Death Penalty for Boston Marathon Bomber

Heavy Gunfights in Beirut Follow Shooting at Protest Which Killed at Least 5 People

Czechs Vote Out Populist Prime Minister Andrej Babiš

Man Armed with Bow and Arrow Kills 5 People in Norway Attack

“Striketober”: 10,000 John Deere Workers Go on Strike; Kaiser Permanente & IATSE Workers Could Be Next





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