Nouwen Meditation: Solitude Makes Real Fellowship Possible Henri Nouwen Society Wednesday, 10 February 2021

 Nouwen Meditation: Solitude Makes Real Fellowship Possible

Henri Nouwen Society <>

Wednesday, 10 February 2021 

Plan to join us this Lent for our latest online book discussion as we delve into Henri Nouwen’s “Sabbatical Journey”! We begin on Wednesday, February 17th with greetings and introductions, and dive into the book on Sunday, February 21st. There's no need to sign-up, just follow this link to the Book Discussion page, or head to our website for links to purchase your copy of the book.


Solitude Makes Real Fellowship Possible

By slowly converting our loneliness into a deep solitude, we create that precious space where we can discover the voice telling us about our inner necessity—that is, our vocation. Unless our questions, problems, and concerns are tested and matured in solitude, it is not realistic to expect answers that are really our own. . . . This is a very difficult task, because in our world we are constantly pulled away from our innermost self and encouraged to look for answers instead of listening to the questions. A lonely person has no inner time or inner rest to wait and listen. He wants answers and wants them here and now. But in solitude we can pay attention to the inner self. This has nothing to do with egocentrism or unhealthy introspection because in the words of [Rainer Maria] Rilke, “what is going on in your innermost being is worthy of your whole love.” In solitude we can become present to ourselves. . . . There we also can become present to others by reaching out to them, not greedy for attention and affection but offering our own selves to help build a community of love. Solitude does not pull us away from our fellow human beings but instead makes real fellowship possible.

Henri J. M. Nouwen

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"Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place... Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." (PSALM 51:6, 10 (NIV))



"You are the Beloved", a book by Henri Nouwen

Consider our monthly giving program to sustain the ability to extend Henri's legacy and make his work available to those who seek spiritual formation and nourishment. Click here to sign up today.


Text excerpts taken from "You are the Beloved" by Henri J.M. Nouwen

© 2017 by The Henri Nouwen Legacy Trust.

Published by Convergent Books.

Photo from

Scripture reading contributed by L. Yeskoo.

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Toronto, Ontario M5S 2R9 Canada
