"New Lead Pastor Transition Announcement" from The First United Methodist Church of San Diego, California, United States for Friday, 31 May 2019

"New Lead Pastor Transition Announcement" from The First United Methodist Church of San Diego, California, United States  <communications@fumcsd.org> for Friday, 31 May 2019 
Dear First Church Community,
I still laugh. My friend began our phone call saying, “You are going to be leaving us soon and…”. I laughed. “Do you know something I don’t know?” We both laughed. It is true, June will end my term as interim lead pastor. You have been good, wise and faithful friends to Elaine and me during this year. Thank you. My closing sermon series is Speaking Truth in Love. On Sunday the sermon is Moving From Them To Us based on Acts 16: 20-34, John 17: 20-26.

Acts 16:20-34
20 Bringing them to the judges, they said, "These men are causing a lot of trouble in our city, since they are Jews. 21 What they are doing is advocating customs that are against the law for us to accept or practice, since we are Romans." 22 The mob joined in the attack against them, and the judges tore their clothes off them and ordered that they be flogged.23 After giving them a severe beating, they threw them in prison, charging the jailer to guard them securely. 24 Upon receiving such an order, he threw them into the inner cell and clamped their feet securely between heavy blocks of wood. 25 Around midnight, Sha'ul and Sila were praying and singing hymns to God, while the other prisoners listened attentively.26 Suddenly there was a violent earthquake which shook the prison to its foundations. All the doors flew open and everyone's chains came loose. 27 The jailer awoke, and when he saw the doors open he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, for he assumed that the prisoners had escaped. 28 But Sha'ul shouted, "Don't harm yourself! We're all here!" 29Calling for lights, the jailer ran in, began to tremble and fell down in front of Sha'ul and Sila.30 Then, leading them outside, he said, "Men, what must I do to be saved?" 31 They said, "Trust in the Lord Yeshua, and you will be saved - you and your household!" 32 Whereupon they told him and everyone in his household the message about the Lord. 33 Then, even at that late hour of the night, the jailer took them and washed off their wounds; and without delay, he and all his people were immersed. 34 After that, he brought them up to his house and set food in front of them; and he and his entire household celebrated their having come to trust in God.
John 17:20-2620 "I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word,21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 The glory which you have given to me, I have given to them; so that they may be one, just as we are one -- 23 I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me. 24 "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am; so that they may see my glory, which you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 Righteous Father, the world has not known you, but I have known you, and these people have known that you sent me. 26 I made your name known to them, and I will continue to make it known; so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I myself may be united with them."
(Complete Jewish Bible).
The Rev. Craig Dorval to Assume the Duties as Interim Lead Pastor July, 1
I am delighted. Craig knows our congregation well and I am confident he will be a blessing to you. Our District Superintendent, John Farley, has provided a letter with more information about the process going forward. Read here.
I firmly believe God’s hand continues to guide in these transitions, even as some changes have been difficult. Dr. Carlyle Marney spoke of each Christian’s role as that of Priest to Each Other. He said the Gospel is summed up in relationship – relationship with God and others. The grammar of faith, he said “is the turning of you and me into an us.” We are called to love one another – no matter. Our central task as disciples is to love God and love one another. There are multiple wonderful opportunities at First Church to do this. I challenge you to join in one of the activities listed in this email as a time to practice this core grammar of the people of faith.
Good News As We Move Forward
Last Sunday we baptized these four children: May Elizabeth Dirickson, Jada Reeves Hundley, Amina Lynn Phillips, James Preston III Wilcox, and one youth: Maya Florence Hundley. We also welcomed Art Andrade and Tom Carpenter as members of the church.
We are welcoming interns who will be in ministry with us during June. They are Jemini Trollinger from Stone Mountain, GA; Zoe Stanton from Elmhurst, IL; Mikala Young from Mansfield, TX; Nigel Wolfram from Fort Mill, SC; Talia Rice from Prairie View, TX; Natalie Womack from Birmingham, AL; Caitlin Montgomery from Macon, GA; and Tripp Gulledge from Eclectic, AL.
The church has a new 15-passenger van! This addresses the critical needs for transportation for older adults coming to worship, persons on mission trips, youth activities and the many other ways we can share in travel.
June 9 is Pentecost and a day filled with celebration. We will have a mission fair on the Plaza, Discipleship Teams will be consecrated in worship and in the evening there is the 5th Annual Robert Stadge Memorial Concert featuring Dr. Jaebon Hwang and our Chancel Choir
You can join the Spiritual Growth: A Practical Guide next Wednesday, June 5, at 6:45 PM in the Sanctuary. Dr. Fanestil is helping us discover concrete ways to strengthen our spiritual life.
Times of prayer and anointing. Beginning July 6, Rev. Tamara Walker will be in the chapel to lead in a time of prayer and anointing.
On Friday evening, June 21, and 8-noon on Saturday, June 22 you can join others on the lower church parking lot (P1) as we frame a house for Habitat for Humanity. Our work will then be transported to the site for its permanent location. You can assist in multiple ways: with hammer, running errands, helping with water, lunch, or as a cheer leader and encourager. Come join this time of community. RSVP is mandatory.
A six-week class on The Way of Radical Compassion will be held beginning on Sunday evening, June 30, at 6 PM. Rev. Melissa Spence will be leading this time together.
Our Easter Offering has now surpassed $31,000! It is not too late to contribute! These funds go toward our ministries with children, youth and young families.
The Water’s Edge Faith Community continues to grow in ministry and outreach. Pray for Pastor Jessica and the good folks there.
June 2 Church Conference/Church Council Meeting – Linder Hall, 12 - 2 PM
At this year’s Church Conference and Council meeting, you will hear more about our future lead pastor from the District Superintendent. I will be reporting on the congregation’s accomplishments and future (including results from the survey).
There will be the recommendations from the Nominating Committee report, proposed revisions to the Guiding Principles, that you can read here and a recommendation from the Church Council that we take steps for First Church to be a reconciling congregation.See video below:

Pentecost Sunday, June 9: Consecration of Discipleship Teams
Our emphasis on Discipleship Together will include the consecration of several Discipleship Teams on Pentecost Sunday. Following the services that morning, everyone is invited to the Plaza to learn about the many ministries of First Church. Grab a cup of coffee, check out our snack bar, and explore the many ways you can be involved in the church's ministries of worship, devotion, justice and compassion. The fellowship time that would normally occur in Linder Hall will be moved down to the plaza that day. We hope you will find a new way to grow your discipleship and be a part of the ministry of First Church. Kids First and Students First invite you to visit the Cove for an end-of-the-school-year "Open House". Stop in before or after morning worship to visit with teachers, parents and staff, and to learn what our children and youth have been learning this year. All are welcome!
Update from Water's Edge Faith Community in Ocean Beach - Jessica Strysko
This Sunday we continue in our series "Beyond Loneliness," in addition to making 100 sandwiches and sack lunches for Rachel's House domestic violence shelter. The scripture from Acts 16, the sermon series, and the mission work we will engage during worship all point to God's liberating Spirit, which calls us into healing, wholeness, and new life in Christ's name. God is so good to still speak and act in our lives and in our world today! After worship, many plan to attend the all-church Conference in Mission Valley. Looking forward to a good Sunday together.
Our prayer for San Diego First UMC
O God,
give us the grace and wisdom as we continue to practice Discipleship Together. Help us to live respectfully with one another through these years of change. Give us the wisdom to provide for unity amid diversity as a local church. Open our hearts, minds and doors to receive the gifts shaped by your good future as we discern, together, how we best follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Peace of Christ,
Philip Amerson


First United Methodist Church of San Diego 
2111 Camino del Rio South
San Diego, California 92108, United States
