"Covenant Weekly Update" for Thursday, 30 May 2019 from The Covenant Church San Diego, California, United States for Thursday, 30 May 2019

"Covenant Weekly Update" for Thursday, 30 May 2019 from The Covenant Church San Diego, California, United States <office@covenantsd.org> for Thursday, 30 May 2019
Weekly Update // Thursday, 30 May 2019
Throughout Jesus' life and ministry people were invited to come and see him. Experiencing Jesus often took place through personal conversation. The Creator of all things chose to reveal himself by talking with social outcasts, religious insiders, skeptics, and the hurting. Join us for our sermon series Conversations with Jesus as we listen in on Jesus's interactions with others and hear his truth spoken in love. This Sunday, Patrick King will be preaching from Mark 8:27-38 on Who Do You Say I Am?
Join us Sunday at 10:00am!
This Sunday June 2, the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon will be taking place in San Diego. There will be several road closures in our area, which will not be open until 10am. So please check out the course map and give yourself extra time coming to church. If you time it right, you may even be able to cheer on some runners!
Beginning this Sunday, we will be celebrating weekly communion. Every Sunday we declare together that Jesus is alive and LORD of our lives through every aspect of our worship service. Communion is an opportunity to participate in tangibly experiencing, remembering, and celebrating the gospel. As we receive the bread and wine, we receive Jesus's body broken for us and his blood shed for us. We taste and see his sacrificial love and remember what he has done to make us his sons and daughters. We will also have a prayer team available in the back of the sanctuary during communion for anyone interested. We hope this will be an enriching experience of the good news of Jesus's love for you in our weekly gathering to worship.
Brandon and Kendall Byrd have been working alongside Won By One to Jamaica for the past 8 years seeking to serve and make the gospel known among the people of Harmons, Jamaica. This upcoming Fall they will be moving to Harmons full time to serve as missionaries. On Sunday June 9 after the service, they will be hosting a meeting time in the lounge where they will share about their experiences in Harmons, the roles and responsibilities they will be stepping into, as well as different ways you can consider partnering alongside them in support! Snacks and beverages will be provided.
On Sunday June 23 after worship there will be an informational meeting about this year's budget. This is a time to go over the proposed budget for the next fiscal year and ask any questions you may have. We will meet in the lounge.
On Sunday June 30 we will have a Congregational Meeting after worship. This will be a wonderful time of reflecting on the past 6 months and prayerfully heading into the year ahead. Non-members are welcome to join us and we especially urge all voting members to come so that we can pass this upcoming year's budget. We will meet in the sanctuary following our time of worship. Look forward to seeing you there!
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Covenant Church San Diego
2930 Howard Avenue
San Diego, California 92104, United States
