Showing posts from December, 2018
The Upper Room Daily Devotional of The United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, United States "2019 New Year’s Resolution" by Bristol E. DeSpain (Missouri)
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Uber Sponsored Drive With Uber Drive Your Car & Be Your Own Boss. Work When You Want With Uber. Let Us Keep To The Point My Utmost for His Highest To Dec 31, 2018 at 10:07 PM January 1 Daily Devotional My Utmost For His Highest Website Facebook Instagram Support Utmost Let Us Keep To The Point My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed, but that now as ever I may do honour to Christ in my own person by fearless courage. PHILIPPIANS 1:20 (MOFFATT) My Utmost for His Highest. “My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed.” We shall all feel very much ashamed if we do not yield to Jesus on the point He has asked us to yield to Him. Paul says — “My determination is to be my utmost for His Highest.” To get there is a question of will, not of debate nor of reasoning, but a surrender of will, an absolute and irrevocable surrender on that point. An over-weening consideration for ourselves is the thing that keeps us from that decision, though we put it that we are considering others. When we consider what it will cost others if we obey the call of Jesus, we tell God He does not know what our obedience will mean. Keep to the point; He does know. Shut out every other consideration and keep yourself before God for this one thing only — “My Utmost for His Highest.” I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and for Him alone. My Undeterredness for His Holiness. “Whether that means life or death, no matter!” (v.21). Paul is determined that nothing shall deter him from doing exactly what God wants. God’s order has to work up to a crisis in our lives because we will not heed the gentler way. He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him, and we begin to debate; then He produces a providential crisis where we have to decide —- for or against, and from that point the “Great Divide” begins. If the crisis has come to you on any line, surrender your will to Him absolutely and irrevocably. From My Utmost for His Highest Classic Edition Bible in One Year: Genesis 1-3; Matthew 1 WISDOM FROM OSWALD CHAMBERS Am I getting nobler, better, more helpful, more humble, as I get older? Am I exhibiting the life that men take knowledge of as having been with Jesus, or am I getting more self-assertive, more deliberately determined to have my own way? It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth. from The Place of Help %%DC::USUTMOST_DYNAMICRULE::USUTMOST_DYNAMICCONTENT%% My Utmost for His Highest Website Facebook Instagram My Utmost for His Highest © 1992 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd. Original edition © 1935 by Dodd, Mead & Company, Inc. Copyright renewed 1963 by Oswald Chambers Publications Association, Ltd. All rights reserved. United States publication rights are held by Discovery House, which is affiliated with Our Daily Bread Ministries. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Manage Your Subscription. About Oswald Chambers Contact Us Delete Move to Forward Reply More
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Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Genesis 1-3; Matthew 1
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LHM Daily Devotion - Tuesday, 1 January 2019 "A Sword" from The Lutheran Hour Ministries in Saint Louis, Missouri, United States
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