North Street Community Church of the Nazarene

 Sunday, March 2

Pastor Jeremy D. Scott <>
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Tomorrow is Sunday! 

Our 8:15 Word & Table service will be live streamed in all the regular online locations (our Facebook pageYouTube, and our website). Read our passages to prepare. 

Our 10:30 community worship gathering will be in person and indoors (we're hoping to be back outside again soon!). Registration is here.

Grace & Peace,

Pastor Jeremy


Our Annual Meeting has been set for an online meeting on April 18th. More information to come.

Plans for Holy Week are in the works! On Palm Sunday, services will be on a regular schedule. We are hoping to have our palm fronds delivered early enough in the week that people can pick them up or have one delivered to you home if you can't get out. Please email Pastor Jeremy if you'd like one delivered and someone will bring one to you. We are having a combined service on Good Friday at 7:00 PM with our sister church in Ludlow, MA (!). It will be live-streamed. We are hoping to be outside for the 10:30 community worship gathering on Easter Sunday. Stay tuned for more information on these and other gatherings during Holy Week. 

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