This week in the Global Church of the Nazarene... Volume 1935 for Friday, 30 August 2019 of The Global Church of the Nazarene News: Hope amid suffering of The Nazarene Communication Network News

This week in the Global Church of the Nazarene... Volume 1935 for Friday, 30 August 2019 of The Global Church of the Nazarene News: Hope amid suffering of The Nazarene Communication Network News <>

Mozambique churches find hope in midst of Cyclone Idai destruction
Church of the Nazarene Africa leaders recently visited several communities devastated by Tropical Cyclone Idai and found something they were not expecting: joy and trust. Read more
Mozambique churches find hope in midst of Cyclone Idai destruction

Church of the Nazarene Africa leaders recently visited several communities devastated by Tropical Cyclone Idai and found something they were not expecting: joy and trust.
The storm made landfall in March, bringing heavy rain and causing severe flooding in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. Many churches in the storm’s path were destroyed, and more than 2,000 Nazarene church members’ homes were destroyed or damaged.
Regional Director Dany Gomis and other leaders began their visit in the Tica community.
“As we approached the area, I heard beautiful voices singing and dancing to the Lord,” Gomis said. “In their language, they sang, ‘Stand firm in Jesus.’ These people had experienced so much loss, yet the church they were standing in had already been rebuilt since the storm. I couldn’t believe the joy and hope that flowed through their voices.”
The group moved on to the Lamego, Gondola, Inchope, and Jasse communities.
“In each of these places, I saw people who were filled with hope and expectation,” Gomis said. “They welcomed us with open arms, happily sharing with us what little they had. Although the people in these communities had every reason to be angry or doubtful, they knew that God was with them through the storm.”
The leaders ended their trip at Ebenezer da Beira Church, a church turned relief center that distributed food, clothing, and supplies to those who had lost everything in Cyclone Idai.
“I met one man who … proudly pointed to his clothes, saying, ‘These were given to me by the church,’” Gomis said. “Each person I met was so thankful for the way that the church supported and stood by them in the midst of this disaster.”
As the visit ended, Gomis left thankful.
“The people there have given me a new sense of excitement for life,” he said. “In each place we visited, the people naturally and joyfully gave us gifts. In the midst of their tragedy, they never ceased to be generous and hospitable. The victims of Cyclone Idai have taught me to never take a day for granted and to trust that God is working in every moment.”
Thanks to donations from Nazarenes around the world, Nazarene Compassionate Ministries was able to open nine distribution centers and provide food and household items to over 1,800 families.
“I am proud of the way that the Church has come around these people and provided for them in their time of need, and I am thankful for a God that is present in every circumstance,” Gomis said.
For a video report, click here.
Across the table: Michigan church ministers to refugees
Community Link, a ministry of Grand Rapids International Fellowship Church of the Nazarene, provides English language and job readiness classes along with providing transportation and child care for refugees who have settled near the church. Read more
Across the table: Michigan church ministers to refugees Español, Grand Rapids, Michigan
When Grand Rapids International Fellowship Church of the Nazarene in Michigan discovered local resettlement agencies were placing refugees in apartment buildings near the church, they knew God was calling them to serve their new neighbors.
The church created Community Link, a ministry that provides services to approximately 50 students each week, including English language classes and job readiness skill classes. Joint Orientation classes are also offered to the newest refugees covering topics they most need to know as new residents.
“Community Link is this amazing community ministry that only God could orchestrate,” said Marsha DeHollander, Community Link program director. “It is my great honor and privilege to serve here.”
During the day, certified English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers run classes for three different skill levels. The teachers come through a partnership with Bethany Christian Services and Samaritas, two large resettlement agencies for refugee families in Grand Rapids.
A second set of English classes convene on Wednesday nights, open to all in the community. There, students study for citizenship and learn skills to adapt to life in the United States. Volunteers might provide transportation for a visit to the doctor, help sign children up for school, practice driving, or join the students in various celebrations in their culture. These practical skills are vital for those who are learning new country procedures, languages, and culture.
The ministry also organizes trips to the zoo, botanical gardens, Lake Michigan, and more. Transportation and child care are provided so there are no barriers to participation. They even offer free swim lessons so that children can be safe in the lakes.
“When you sit across the table from a person from another country, when you are blessed to share their food, when you take someone to a Lake Michigan beach for the first time, when you watch our children grow up together … I believe God is pleased and He rejoices with us,” DeHollander said.
The ministry is thriving, engaging more than 25 church volunteers weekly to offer much-needed support. Michigan had the second-highest number of Syrian and Iraqi refugees from 2002 to 2018, coming in behind California. While the number of refugees entering the state has dropped significantly in the last few years, more than 40,000 refugees have been resettled there since 2002.
The church also hosts an international potluck each year, allowing people from around the world to share their music, dances, and food in a preview of heaven.
Philippines church mourns first ordained woman
Ricareda “Rica” Verceles Valuenzuela, the first woman to be ordained in the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines, passed away 21 August at the age of 81. Read more
Philippines church mourns first ordained woman by Steve Walsh, APNTS Alumni Association president, Español

Ricareda “Rica” Verceles Valuenzuela, the first woman to be ordained in the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines, passed away 21 August at the age of 81.
Born on 18 April 1938, Ricareda Verceles was the daughter of the late Francisco T. and Adriana O. Verceles. She was raised in a strict Roman Catholic family and subsequently resented religion. When she was 13, Nazarene missionary John Pattee conducted a four-week revival campaign close to their house. Despite her initial fear, Rica’s curiosity at the amplified music and speaking being broadcast throughout the neighbourhood got the better of her. She ventured into the church, even though she had been taught that it was a mortal sin to do so, and heard the gospel for the first time. Rica accepted Jesus into her heart that night and returned home to share Christ with her sister Henrina. Soon the entire family were Nazarenes, including her mother, aunt, three brothers, and two sisters.
After graduating high school, with Pattee's encouragement, Rica enrolled at Fitkin Memorial Bible Training School (later Luzon Nazarene Bible College and now Philippine Nazarene College) in August 1956. That same year, at the age of 18, Rica preached her first sermon at the Cabanatuan City Church of the Nazarene.
Rica graduated from Fitkin in March 1960 and married Andres Castro "Andy" Valenzuela, pastor of the Guisad Church of the Nazarene. The couple shared pastoral ministry while Rica focused on music ministry with the children of the community.
At the 1961 Philippines District Assembly, Rica was the first woman to receive a district minister’s license in the Philippines. That year, Pastors Andy and Rica accepted the call to pastor the Church of the Nazarene in Agbannawag, Rizal. During this pastorate, Rev. Andy founded the Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene in Pangasinan province in October 1966.
Andy was elected assistant national superintendent of the Philippines District in 1967, and Nazarene historian Floyd Cunningham believes Rica was one reason Andy was chosen.
“The strength of her character and influence was one factor leading Filipinos to elect her quieter husband as assistant national district superintendent,” he said.
The Valenzuelas resigned the Agbannawag church and relocated to Binalonan, Pangasinan, where Rica became the pastor. After a year traveling with Mission Director Robert McCroskey Sr., Andy was elected the first Filipino DS in the Philippines in a near unanimous vote in March 1968.
During her pastoral ministry, Rica led Nazarene churches in Binalonan, Laoac, and Tabuyoc in the province of Pangasinan. Rica became the first woman ordained as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene in 1971. In June 1972, Rica served as a delegate to 18th General Assembly in Miami Beach, Florida, representing the Philippine-Luzon District. When the Philippines District was subdivided in March 1973, Andy became the first superintendent of the new Luzon District, which encompassed the largest and most populous island in the Philippines.
In 1976, Rica became the first Asian representative to the General Council of Nazarene World Mission Society (now Nazarene Missions International), serving two terms. She gave a personal testimony at the 1980 General Assembly in Kansas City, Missouri, USA, and was a featured speaker at the 1985 General Assembly in Anaheim, California, USA, sharing before almost 65,000 delegates and visitors.
After Andy became the first superintendent of the Metro-Manila District in March 1980, the Valenzuelas relocated to Manila, where Rica pastored the Central Church of the Nazarene in Cubao and was the first district children's ministry coordinator. The Valenzuelas both enrolled in master's degrees at Asia Theological Seminary and in the first class of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary in 1983.
Rica graduated from Asia Theological Seminary with a Master of Religious Education in 1986, and Andy resigned as superintendent of the Metro Manila District. The Valenzuela family migrated to northern California to minister to the Filipino community, co-founding the New Life Church in Vallejo, California, USA, and serving there until they retired in 2008.
The couple relocated to Silverdale, Washington, USA, in January 2015 to live closer to their daughter and her family, and two years later, they returned to their hometown of Tabuyoc, Binalonan, Pangasinan. During this time, the Valenzuelas, who previously received Distinguished Service Awards from both the Metro Manila District (1983, 1984) and the Philippines Luzon District (1987), were honored again 27 August 2017 in a special service at the Tabuyoc Church of the Nazarene, and on 5 October 2017 by their first alma mater, Philippine Nazarene College (formerly Luzon Nazarene Bible College), with plaques of appreciation.
Rica was preceded in death by Andy 30 October 2018. They are survived by their two children, Abner Valenzuela and Brenda Valenzuela Fortune, and five grandchildren: Brenica, Doren, Cariza, Ged, and Deo.
A viewing for Rica will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on 25 August at the Lewis Funeral Home, 5303 Kitsap Way, Bremerton, WA 98312 prior to the memorial service at 5 p.m. and a reception from 6 to 8 p.m. As her desire was to be buried with her late husband in the Philippines, a memorial service and funeral is planned for February 2020 in Tabuyoc.
Don Bird remembered
Donald "Don" Lynn Bird passed away suddenly 25 August at the age of 62. He was the pastor at Antioch Church of the Nazarene in Overland Park, Kansas. Read more
Don Bird remembered EspañolOverland Park, Kansas
Donald "Don" Lynn Bird passed away suddenly 25 August at the age of 62.
After serving 23 years, to the exact date, as pastor at Antioch Church of the Nazarene in Overland Park, Kansas, Don preached his last sermon, served his last communion, sang his last hymn, sat down, and saw his Lord.
Don was born in Liberal, Kansas, 18 September 1956 to Carolyn and Donald Neil Bird. He graduated from Sublette High School in 1974, MidAmerica Nazarene College (now University) in 1978 with a degree in religion/history, and the Johns Hopkins University doctoral program in 19th Century Political and Social History. Don served a total of 32 years in ministry and touched hundreds of lives in Kansas, Maryland, and Ohio.
He married Sheila Vandervoort 13 August 1977. Together they have four children: Justin, Jessica, Jeremy, and Julie, his four "JBirds."
Donald Lynn was preceded in death by his father, Donald Neil. Surviving are his wife of 42 years, four children, three grandchildren, his mother, two sisters, and numerous nieces and nephews. He died doing what he loved— surrounded by people who loved him.
Visitation will take place 30 August from 5 to 8 p.m. in the chapel at St Mark's United Methodist Church where Don's congregation met. Funeral service will be held 31 August at 10:30 a.m. with an open casket from 10 to 10:30 a.m. at Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, Kansas

Flags of the Nations: Vanuatu
Each week, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center proudly flies a flag of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. This week's flag: Vanuatu, Asia-Pacific Region. Click "read more" for information on the country, including what year the denomination entered Vanuatu and how many Nazarenes are there today. Read more
Flags of the Nations: Vanuatu Español

The flag of Vanuatu includes a yellow Y shape that mimics the chain of islands that make up the country. Yellow is symbolic of sunshine, green symbolizes the fertile lands, red represents the bloodshed for freedom, and black represents the Melanesian people that originally settled the islands.
Since September 1, 2009, the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center (GMC) proudly flies a flag each week of one of the many nations in which the denomination is present in ministry. Leaders were invited to send a national flag to be flown at the GMC alongside the flag of the United States*. The national flags rotate weekly, and photos of them raised are sent to the church leaders of that country.
This week: Vanuatu
The Church of the Nazarene officially entered Vanuatu in 2001.
Vanuatu had a population of 288,037 in 2018. That same year, Vanuatu reported 12 Churches of the Nazarene, six of which had been officially organized. Vanuatu has 213 total members.
Located on the Asia-Pacific Region, Vanuatu is a Phase 1 district. For more information about the Asia-Pacific Region, visit
* = The weekly highlighted flag is raised on the middle of three poles in compliance with U.S. government protocols. It flies to the left of the GMC host-nation United States flag, which flies above the host-state flag of Kansas. The Christian flag flies on the third pole.
The Global Ministry Center is the mission and service hub of the Church of the Nazarene.
DR Central District celebrates baptisms
Nine congregations from the Dominican Republic's Central District gathered this month to celebrate a day of baptisms for 36 people. Read more
DR Central District celebrates baptisms Español, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Nine congregations from the Dominican Republic's Central District gathered this month to celebrate a day of baptisms. The event was held at the Dominican Nazarene Seminary where 36 people were baptized.
After the baptisms, they participated in the Lord’s Supper in a special church service.
“It was wonderful to hear the salvation testimonies of the brethren that were baptized," said District Superintendent Ernesto Bathermy. "We glorify the Lord’s great work in our district.”
The joint baptism ceremony came up during a pastors' meetings where the participants expressed the desire to have such events at least twice each year. Several additional congregations plan to participate in the next ceremony.

NNU announces new deans for 2019-2020 academic year
Northwest Nazarene University introduced four returning faculty members who have been selected to serve in new roles as deans. Read more
NNU announces new deans for 2019-2020 academic year, Nampa, Idaho

Northwest Nazarene University introduced four returning faculty members who have been selected to serve in new roles as deans.
College of Arts & Humanities – Judy Marlett
Marlett is a professor of music who has been an NNU faculty member since 1996. Judy has served the NNU community in a variety of roles, including CAS faculty vice-chair and most recently as the chair of the faculty.
College of Behavioral & Social Sciences – Lawanna Lancaster
Lancaster is a professor of social work who has been an NNU faculty member since 2002. Lawanna has served in multiple roles during her time at NNU, including CAGS faculty vice-chair and as Director of NNU’s MSW Program.
College of Education – LoriAnn Sanchez
Sanchez is an associate professor of education who has been an NNU faculty member since 2012. LoriAnn has served as chair of NNU’s Undergraduate Department of Education and as director of NNU’s Adult & Professional Programs in Education.
College of Engineering, Mathematics & Science – Jamee Nixon
Nixon is an associate professor of biology who has been an NNU faculty member since 2007. Jamee has served on a number of councils and committees during her time at NNU and has served this past year as chair of the Assessment and Accreditation Committee.
The four new deans join returning deans Bill Russell, dean of the College of Business; Leonie Sutherland, dean of the College of Nursing; Brent Peterson, dean of the College of Theology & Christian Ministries; and Duane Slemmer, dean of Academic Services. (Northwest Nazarene University)

In Memoriam
The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 26-30 August 2019. Read more
In Memoriam

The following is a weekly listing of Nazarene ministers and leaders who recently went home to be with the Lord. Notices were received 26-30 August 2019.
Don Bird, 62, of Lenexa, Kansas, passed away 25 August. He was the pastor of Antioch Church of the Nazarene in Overland Park, Kansas. He is survived by his wife, Sheila Bird.
Vivian Bruner, 91, of Independence, Missouri, passed away 24 August. She was a retired Nazarene Headquarters employee. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Bruner, in 2003.
Thomas Chapman, 71, of Anderson, Indiana, passed away 26 August. He was a retired minister, serving in Indiana. He is survived by his wife, Beth "Becki" Chapman.
William Graham, 84, of Woodsfield, Ohio, passed away 23 August. He was a retired minister, serving in Ohio. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wanda Graham, in 2013.
Charles Higgins, 95, of Pasadena, California, passed away 22 August. He was a retired minister and evangelist, serving in California, Hawaii, Idaho, Arizona, Illinois, and Oregon. He was preceeded in death by his wife, Marjorie Higgins, in 2012.
Rebekah Hood, 77, of Bardstown, Kentucky, passed away 22 August. She was the wife of retired minister John Hood, who served in Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennesee.
Dewitt McAbee, 107, of Yakima, Washington, passed away 22 August. He was a retired minister, serving in Montana, Washington, and Idaho. He was preceded in death by his wife, Iona McAbee, in 1999.
James McCallie, 90, of Nashville, Indiana, passed away 22 August. He was a retired evangelist, serving in Indiana. He is survived by his wife, Janet McCallie.
Rosalee (Huber) Newby, 86, of Terre Haute, Indiana, passed away 26 August. She was the wife of retired minister Harold Newby, who served in Indiana and Illinois.
Dorothy Spicer, 83, of Canby, Oregon, passed away 23 August. She was the wife of retired minister and district superintendent Kenneth Spicer, who served in Oregon and Washington and led the Alaska District.
Ricareda Velnzuela, 81, of Silverdale, Washington, passed away 21 August. She was retired minister, serving in the Philippines and California. She was preceeded in death by her husband, retired minister and district superintendent Andres Valenzuela, who served in the Philippines and California and led the Philippines, Luzon, and Metro Manila districts. Andres passed away in October.
For previous editions of In Memoriam, see the "Passings" section by clicking here.
Note: Please join us in prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Click on names for full stories, funeral information, local online obituaries, and/or guest books (if available). To submit an entry of a minister or church leader, send to (Compiled by NCN News) 
GMC employment opportunities
Located in Lenexa, Kansas, the Global Ministry Center is the administrative, mission, and service hub for the Church of the Nazarene's ministries in 162 world areas. The following positions are available: Read more
Human Resources

People are our most valued resource. Our committed employees are involved in "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" in 162 world areas.
The Global Ministry Center Human Resources Office professionals strive to deliver the highest possible service to our employees and are responsible for the recruitment, placement, and retention of qualified individuals to staff the ministry and administrative positions of the GMC. The many employee services include compensation and benefit administration, payroll, employment, employee relations, training, counseling, organizational communication and events, and workplace programs.
Are you interested in serving at the Global Ministry Center as a VOLUNTEER?
For information on how to offer your time and skills in this way, please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page.
Employment Opportunities
Sr. Program Assistant – Child Development (Full-time)
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
This person supports the Child Development Coordinator in the coordination and oversight of NCM’s child development programs and NCM child sponsorship and donor relations. Under the oversight of the Child Development Coordinator, this person will also develop, coordinate and oversee the Sponsor Tour Program and Child Sponsorship CDC/Church Partnerships Program.
Constituent Care Manager (Full-time)
Global Treasury – Donor Services
This person will develop and maintain a culture of high-quality constituent service by equipping, cultivating, and coaching the donor services staff to provide excellent support for constituents of the Church of the Nazarene, Inc. This person will also evaluate and manage payment processing workflows, software tools, payment channels, and third-party vendors to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the constituent experience.
Controller (Full-time)
Global Treasury — Accounting
This person will serve as the controller and chief accountant. He or she will lead the accounting staff, which is responsible for all aspects of financial accounting and reporting for the Church of the Nazarene, Inc.
Donor Development Assistant (Full-time)
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries
This person will focus on cultivating and nurturing relationships with both new and existing donors. Under the oversight of the director of development, this individual will implement a targeted development strategy for various segments of NCM’s constituency, as well as assist in the execution of NCM’s overall marketing/promotional strategy. Additionally, the person in this position will work closely with the Communications team to disseminate messaging and reporting to NCM’s donor base.
Director (Full-time)
Stewardship Development
Reporting to the Global Communications Director, this person will be responsible for daily oversight and administration of pastoral leadership development, resourcing and growing a giving church culture through educational materials and training. This individual will oversee all fundraising, denominational marketing, brand development, and advancement strategies for constituent development and donor care.
Regional Finance Coordinator (Full-time)
USA/Canada Regional Office
This person will provide assistance to the USA/Canada Regional Director as financial manager for the regional office. Responsibilities will include the processing of cash receipts and accounts payable, credit card reconciliation, monitoring of budgets for all ministries, management of independent contractor agreements, and other tasks as needed.
Translation and Interpretation Liaison (Full-time)
General Secretary’s Office
This person will provide translation and interpretation services for internal communication needs as well as manage the outsourcing of projects to contracted translators. He or she will also coordinate and manage on-site interpretation teams for events such as General Board and General Assembly.
To obtain additional information for GMC positions, please call (913)577-0500 and ask for Human Resources.
JESUS Film Harvest Partners
To learn more about positions available at the JFHP, visit All positions are located on-site in the Olathe, Kansas, office.
Nazarene Bible College
To learn more about positions available at the NBC Administrative Offices, visit All positions are located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc.
To learn more about positions available at Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Inc., visit All positions are located within the Global Ministry Center in Lenexa, Kansas.
Nazarene Theological Seminary
To learn more about current positions available at NTS, see the following employment opportunities. All positions are located on-site on the Kansas City, Missouri, campus.
Location of Global Ministry Center Positions
The GMC is the administrative hub for the Church of the Nazarene denominational ministries in 162 world areas. The GMC is conveniently located in Lenexa, Kansas, with easy access to I-35 and I-435 and within short driving distance to Kansas City International airport. All GMC positions report to this location.
Our Non-Discrimination Policy
The Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center offers equal employment opportunity to all persons regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, disability, race, creed, sex, or veteran status. The Global Ministry Center is an “at will” employer.
Our Faith-Based Organization
We are a faith-based organization. Acceptance of our Christian Code of Conduct is required and membership in the Church of the Nazarene is required for certain positions. The GMC and applicable remote work sites are smoke-, alcohol-, and drug-free Christian workplaces.
Application Processing
Our Human Resources Office receives and processes many employment applications annually for a limited number of positions. While we regret that we cannot respond to each applicant, we do contact those individuals possessing the skills, education/training, and experience that best match the requirements of the open position for which the application was submitted.
An application must be completed by all applicants and an application must be completed for each position for which one wishes to be considered. Applications are retained for one year. Resumés are not necessary for entry-level positions, but they are preferred for professional level positions.
Applying for Employment with the GMC
Application forms may be requested by calling (913)577-0500, emailing, or obtained in person from Human Resources at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, Kansas, 66220, United States, Monday through Friday from 8:00 to 4:30 U.S. Central Time. Completed applications may be mailed or emailed to the attention of the Human Resources Office.

NCM Magazine available in Spanish, Portuguese
For the first time, NCM Magazine, a publication of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, is available in Spanish and Portuguese. Read more
NCM Magazine available in Spanish, Portuguese Español Lenexa, Kansas, USA

For the first time, NCM Magazine, a publication of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, is available in Spanish and Portuguese.
The Spanish translation is available online now, with the Portuguese version coming out next week. Since Nazarene Compassionate Ministries works with churches in more than 30 countries where the official language is Spanish or Portuguese, the new translations will expand the availability of the magazine in countries in nearly every region. Both languages are among the five languages spoken most in the global Church of the Nazarene.
These translations are a result of collaboration between the South America Region and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. NCM Magazine tells stories of church-led compassion around the world. The most recent issue featured churches responding to the displacement of people in Brazil, Mexico, Armenia, and across Central Europe. Read NCM Magazine at
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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 local congregations in 162 world areas.
The Global Church of the Nazarene
Global Ministry Center
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Lenexa, Kansad, United  States 66220
Phone: (913)577-0500
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